Hosted By: American Petroleum Institute (API)
Dates: May 5, 2025 - May 9, 2025
Redirected from PRCI
Pipelines are metal or plastic tubes of varying sizes used to transport petroleum (e.g., crude oil, hydrocarbon liquids, refined petroleum products, etc.) and natural gas products long distances (generally underground) from production sites to refineries and gas processing plants, to storage facilities, and eventually to individual homes and businesses around the world. Liquid petroleum pipelines transport billions of barrels of crude oil and petroleum products each year, powered by pump stations placed intermittently along the line. Natural gas pipelines transport trillions of cubic feet of natural gas each day, powered by compressor stations that regulate the pressure and velocity of the gas moving through the line. In the United States alone, there are roughly 200,000 miles of liquid petroleum pipelines and 2.6 million miles of natural gas pipelines crisscrossing the nation.
There are three primary types of energy pipelines: Gathering, transmission, and distribution pipelines. Gathering pipelines are smaller lines, generally operating at relatively low pressures and flow, that transport crude oil or natural gas from the production site to central collection points. Transmission pipelines are larger lines that transport oil or natural gas long distances from central collection points to refining, processing, or storage facilities. And finally, distribution pipelines transport refined petroleum products or natural gas to individuals and businesses.
If oil and gas is the lifeblood of our modern world, then pipelines are the arteries and veins. While these assets are necessary for the continued expansion of the global oil and gas network, they do pose significant challenges. Pipelines can be hundreds, if not thousands of miles long, and not only travel under oceans, rivers, lakes, and mountains, but directly under populated towns and cities. This makes proper pipeline integrity management imperative. Pipeline construction, maintenance, and inspection should all be performed using best practices and proven technologies to ensure they continue to operate safely and reliably. Advanced pigging and in-line inspection techniques should be utilized. Cathodic protection and coatings are also important for protecting pipelines from corrosion and other forms of degradation.
In the U.S., the federal government has the primary authority for pipeline safety regulations for both interstate and intrastate pipelines. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) agency that establishes and enforces standards for the proper design, construction, operation, maintenance, and inspection of both liquid petroleum and natural gas pipelines. These regulations are necessary to ensure the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound operation of the nation's 2.6 million-mile pipeline transportation system. The PHMSA is one of ten agencies within the U.S. DOT.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) also regulates pipelines in the U.S., but in distinctly different ways. FERC has the authority to review and grant certificates for the construction and operation of interstate natural gas pipelines and facilities. FERC is also responsible for the regulation of tariffs that interstate oil pipeline companies charge for the transportation of various products. Oil pipelines, however, are permitted by each state’s utility commission.
Before pipelines are constructed, there are a myriad of permits and approvals that must be obtained from state and federal environmental agencies (e.g., wetlands, storm water, air, historic preservation, etc.) to ensure operations are conducted in a safe, secure and environmentally responsible manner.
The Liquid Energy Pipeline Association (LEPA), formerly Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL), is a nonprofit organization representing the interests of liquid pipeline owners and operators transporting crude oil, petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and home heating oil, and industrial products like propane and ethane. As a trade association, LEPA:
Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) is an organization dedicated to advancing the pipeline industry through cooperative research and analysis. PRCI is a community of the world’s leading pipeline companies, and the vendors, service providers, equipment manufacturers, and other organizations supporting the pipeline industry.
In 2015, PRCI opened a new Technology Development Center (TDC) in Houston, Texas. This facility will be used to address the key issues that the energy pipeline industry is facing to ensure the safety and integrity of the vital national and international pipeline system.
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Contribute to DefinitionThe Mega Rule requires reconfirming MAOP and pipeline material verification. These can be done by in situ nondestructive methods and sophisticated algorithms.
An overview of the key updates and validation requirements for the revised edition of POF 310, which was issued in December 2023.
There are multiple methods for gathering the data required to confirm MAOP, but the preferred method is to utilize in-situ non-destructive methods.
This article discusses how in-line inspection (ILI) can detect corrosion under insulation (CUI) in pipelines, emphasizing thorough, safe examination.
Recognizing how the phases of the PDCA cycle fit the particularities of ILI. Each stage is addressed to increase efficiency and safety in pipeline inspection.
Our proprietary furnace tube inspection system, FTIS is an ultrasonic inspection technology capable of rapid, automated fired heater coil inspection in refinery fired heaters. The data captured by our furnace tube inspection system is...
This article presents a risk-based inspection (RBI) approach for the assessment of offshore subsea pipelines, accompanied by a practical case study.
Now adapted for pipeline inspections, machine learning technology is being used in the field to predict material loss and uncertainty.
From 2010-2020, more than 30% of the pipelines involved in spilled incidents had at least one ILI that collected data at the point of the accident. In September 2021, the third edition of API Std 1163 was published. What is new? What is important?
Traditional line interventions either utilize a single isolation point or are utilized in conjunction with bypass lines. A double block and bleed (DBB) replaces the need for using three separate line interventions to perform the same function.
In cases where material embrittlement caused by hydrogen is a concern, evaluations using fracture mechanics to assess the reliability and integrity of steel pipes exposed to cyclic loads are necessary.
Traditional pressure vessel inspections often require taking assets out of service. However, MISTRAS’ Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) programs provide data as good or better than internal inspections, while assets remain in service. NII is...
The scope of the subject case study reviews an inspection and corrosion control assessment conducted on subsea flowlines and includes evaluating the flowlines’ associated inspection programs and identifying all available NDT technology solutions.
This article will discuss a statistical analysis method that was developed to evaluate the integrity of pipelines that can identify, in a first phase inspection, whether the nature of the active damage mechanism(s) are uniform (general) or localized.
The author estimates that, if the composite repair approach is implemented properly in place of welding repairs, approximately 70-80% of hot work at operating sites could be eliminated.
Through a combination of new ILI technology and non-destructive in-situ techniques, all the necessary tools and processes are now in place and available to operators around the world to proactively improve their integrity management systems.
The author will discuss the failure of a dissimilar joint while examining the root causes of the failure along with potential solutions and preventive actions that would not compromise the welding production rate.
Ethos has assembled a team of experts who apply what they learned through years of process safety experience in the industry and dealing with OSHA and EPA. Click here to learn more about our services.
This article details the experience an oil company had when using FEA to evaluate the implications of a damaged pipeline. Specifically, it presents an efficient method that combines analytical techniques with FEA to determine the pipeline’s...
This article explains the Statistically Active Corrosion Assessment, which is a tool for determining appropriate and realistic corrosion growth rates which can assist pipeline operators in optimizing the value of in-line inspection data.
Failure analysis of piping that has experienced corrosion damage provides operators with valuable information needed to prevent future failures. Effective processes and procedures are essential when investigating the cause of corrosion on pipelines..
Composite technology developed for pipeline repair can be a cost-effective method of improving safety while keeping maintenance costs down. However, composite materials present significant challenges to conventional NDT methods.
Beyond the financial hits, undetected degradation from corrosion can also lead to critical safety risks. To effectively manage mechanical integrity, organizations need reliable methods of identifying the current states of corrosion occurring within...
Want to digitize your NDT data evaluation process and enable remote access to the data for all stakeholders? Contact us at to learn how the DIMATE PACS system can improve your NDT data management.
This article exhibits how modern inspection methodologies combined with innovative computational analysis practices demonstrate the value of conducting fitness-for-service (FFS) assessments on sectional piping.
Joint integrity management remains at the top of many operators’ priority list. The discipline considers risk and drives safety to ensure we learn necessary lessons from past catastrophic failures, such as the Piper Alpha explosion in 1988,...
This is the second article of a two-part series published in Inspectioneering Journal, which is intended to provide a basis for understanding the differences between traditional tapped-transformer, fixed voltage type rectifiers, and High Frequency...
This article highlights the evolution of corrosion monitoring from conventional ultrasonic to ultrasonic phased array manual and automated solutions and their use for both general purposes and complex applications.
The objective of this article is to demonstrate the inherent value of an interactive and detailed GIS landscape, emphasize the importance of industry standardization, and encourage regulatory agencies and operators to systematize and incorporate...
Companies have developed detailed programs for managing wide range of assets. However, unsustainability negatively impacts effectiveness of these programs. Reach out to us on how we can address sustainability through digital transformation.
Pipeline management remains fraught with safety risks for operators and the environment. Last year, the Ontario Energy Board determined that a $12 billion oil pipeline proposed by TransCanada Corp. would pose more risks than rewards for the province.
Understanding the common factors that promote corrosion threats in the oil and gas value chain helps operators create effective inspection strategies.
This study provides valuable information for offshore pipeline operators curious about how composite repair systems could be utilized with their assets.
A meeting of the API Pipeline In-Line Inspection Standards Group was held in Houston, Texas on October 17, 2002. The following is an excerpt from the Draft Scope of the Standard in the working dated, May 13, 2002.
Some hiring practices for new employees have been too lax for too long in the pipeline industry. Pipeline inspectors who have ever worked beside someone who was hired via the familiar “friends and family program,” recognize the need for more...
Lessen downtime by enhancing your plant infrastructure, ensuring mechanical integrity, and extending equipment lifespan. Contact us for on-demand engineering expertise in assessment, problem-solving, specialized testing, and preventative solutions.
This is the first article of a two-part series to be published in Inspectioneering Journal and will provide a basis for understanding the differences between traditional tapped-transformer, fixed voltage type rectifiers, and High Frequency Switched...
Pipeline integrity is critical to ensure maintenance and operational efficiency; however it is becoming an increasingly challenging task for the energy industry. Maintenance managers and inspectors must make sure their pipeline(s) and its associated...
Machine-to-Machine connectivity combined with advanced computing capabilities and industry-focused software enable a wide range of new capabilities. From smart homes controlled over the internet, to smart electric grids with smart meters, sensors...
For traditional in-line inspection (ILI) vendors, considering 21.4 miles of a piggable 4” diesel pipeline is typically not a big deal. However, significant threats like 3rd party damage and external corrosion seem to come with the territory in...
Historically, regulations regarding dent severity have been governed by one of two metrics: dent depth or strain. In the case of the former, plain dents with a depth up to 6% of the nominal diameter are permitted in both gas and liquid pipelines....
Increase the efficiency of your mechanical integrity programs through the design, implementation and optimization of inspection databases.
Verifying pipeline integrity is particularly challenging due to the difficulty of pipeline access, as well as the limitations in available technology to perform subsea wall thickness inspections. These challenges require action rather than reaction.
In the Oil & Gas business we have hundreds of event process chains, each of which bears a cost and contains certain elements of risk. So what can we do to reduce our burden and improve our business? Let’s take a look at the current state of...
The future of inspection will be based on predictive and proactive technologies that effectively monitor material properties of structures and systems over their entire service life.
Jim Svetgoff, Corrosion Advisor at Devon Energy recently interviewed with American Business Conferences for the Crude Pipeline Asset Integrity Congress 2014.
Recently developed RFID best practices provide an opportunity for pipeline businesses to transform their asset management and pipeline integrity management processes away from traditional paper-based systems to more efficient, highly-integrated...
Introducing the IGS Tube Tech rover system, the next generation in autonomous cleaning technology, capable of removing more than 90% of fouling and restoring your fired heater convection sections to their original design thermal efficiency.
The pigging industry has developed a tremendous range of techniques and technologies, and it is probably fair to say that there are few pipelines in the world that cannot be cleaned and inspected, although the success of such operations will often...
An adequate characterization of the Keystone XL special conditions from the perspective of pipeline integrity and risk would be advantageous from the system onset for identifying latent flaws in the system spill prevention plans.
New inline inspections and integrity management systems allow operators to understand the complexities and economics of terminals’ and station’s complex aging pipeline infrastructure.
Inspectioneering recently had the privilege of speaking with Tom Wanzeck, Vice President of Integrity Services with Willbros Group, Inc. Tom spent more than 20 years managing assets on the owner-operator side before making the leap to the service...
Discover DIMATE PACS, the AI-powered solution for accurate and automated evaluation of NDT data from your condition monitoring locations (CML). Optimize the quality and integrity of NDT data fed into your inspection data management systems.
Even though oil and gas pipelines and their related facilities are generally safer for people and the environment compared to other means of transportation, occasional leaks and failures due to corrosion and other defects have become an issue in...
Now, more than ever, pipeline owners and operators are under intense scrutiny to ensure safe and dependable pipeline systems.
The benefits of adding fitness-for-service (FFS) assessments to energy sector reliability projects are numerous. The acceptance of API 579/ASME FFS-1 is increasing across the energy sector and other industries, as these benefits have been...
A self-propelled in-line inspection tool tested at Electric Power Research Institute and utilized in Europe can traverse a complex piping configuration and discriminate areas of metal loss. This tool is becoming available to inspect traditionally...
As the oil and gas industry matured regulators and the public have become more and more aware of the risks inherent in the business and increasingly require pipeline owners to demonstrate and document the safe and environmentally acceptable...
Pipeline integrity management programs are largely driven by regulatory compliance and are typically budgeted years in advance. Operators of all sizes are looking for ways to reduce expenditures related to operational efficiency and safety in order...
Progress has been made in this area over the last 5 to 10 years. Here is a listing of helpful references for managing pipeline integrity that represents a lot of that progress and experience. It is by no means exhaustive. To the best of our...
Because of widespread interest in the proposed revision in progress to NACE International standard SP0169 (formerly RP0169), "Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems," NACE is sponsoring an...
Interested in a review of liquid pipeline leak detection technology focused on monitoring and detection of small leaks?
The integrity of pipelines is a natural concern for pipeline operators, and so the ability to detect corrosion, erosion and mechanical damage in pipes is therefore of significant interest. Traditional methods of detection, such as pigging and...
NACE International has approved two highly anticipated standards dedicated to the control of internal pipeline corrosion.
Active corrosion in onshore and offshore pipelines is an increasing problem. Consequently, pipeline operators regularly use intelligent inspection pigs to detect and size corrosion. Inspection data can be combined with probability based...
A few years ago, TWI investigated a corrosion failure in a 30 inch crude oil pipeline that regrettably led to an explosion and fire, and the death of several operating personnel. The pipeline was designed to ASME B31.4 and the investigation found...
The impetus for the development of LRUT is that ultrasonic thickness checks for corrosion, erosion, etc. are localised, in that they only measure the thickness of the area under the UT transducer.
Soil corrosion (underground corrosion) is another one of those extensively researched and documented types of corrosion, since so many pipes and pipelines are buried and nearly all storage tanks rest on the soil. An entire industry/ technology is...
During the past two years, a new High Resolution Gamma Ray Detector Array System to detect and measure small corrosion pits in real-time in the inservice piping in process industries, has been in development. This High Resolution Gamma Ray...
Learn how automated radiographic testing inspection technology provides large-scale corrosion under insulation screening at a fraction of traditional costs.
Join us as Inspectioneering and Johns Manville team up for our webinar, "Innovation in Insulation Metal Jacketing: How Cross-Directional Flow Helps Mitigate CUI."
This turn-key approach to engineered on-stream line lifting eliminates the need for operators to deal with multiple contractors, ensuring seamless integrity management of critical assets.
Effective pipeline integrity management has been problematic for a large number of pipelines that were not designed for in-line inspection. Quest Integrity understands the complexities involved with this challenging segment and offers a...
InVista Subsea, an advanced ultrasonic ILI tool from Quest Integrity, provides a solution for challenging and difficult-to-inspect subsea pipelines.
This white paper provides case studies and insights that highlight the critical importance of insulation selection for success in petrochemical projects.
This executive brief discusses that by using intelligent digital investments that directly improve operational excellence, energy leaders can demonstrate they can compete in the energy production supply chain.
This course offers an understanding of the key recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEPs) for the design and inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance (ITPM) of fixed equipment.
ONEOK and MPLX are forming joint ventures to construct a new large-scale 400,000-bpd LPG export terminal in Texas City, TX, and a new 24-inch pipeline from ONEOK's Mont Belvieu, TX, storage facility to the new terminal.
Italy's gas grid operator Snam will sell its minority stake indirectly held in ADNOC Gas Pipelines to Abu Dhabi-based investment fund Lunate.
Kinder Morgan is proceeding with its $1.7 billion Trident Intrastate Pipeline Project to deliver natural gas to the LNG and industrial corridor near Port Arthur, TX.
PHMSA has proposed new comprehensive requirements for CO2 and hazardous liquid pipelines, strengthen existing standards, and for the first-time, establishing new standards for transporting carbon dioxide in a gaseous state via pipeline.
Colonial Pipeline has temporarily shut its main gasoline line – America’s largest fuel pipeline – because of leak in Georgia, the pipeline’s operator and local officials said.
Our proprietary furnace tube inspection system, FTIS is an ultrasonic inspection technology capable of rapid, automated fired heater coil inspection in refinery fired heaters. The data captured by our furnace tube inspection system is...
The Alaska state's Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) entered into an exclusive agreement with developer Glenfarne to advance the Alaska LNG project.
Phillips 66 has entered into a definitive agreement to buy EPIC NGL, which owns various long haul natural gas liquids pipelines, fractionation facilities and distribution systems, for $2.2 billion.
DT Midstream has acquired 100% operating ownership in Guardian Pipeline, Midwestern Gas Transmission, and Viking Gas Transmission from ONEOK for $1.2 billion.
BP's 435,000 bpd Whiting, Indiana, refinery has resumed normal operations following a pipeline leak last week.
Tennessee Gas Pipeline, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan, is proceeding with its ~$1.4 billion Mississippi Crossing Project (MSX Project), a 206 mile pipeline system that will extend from Greenville, Mississippi to Butler, Alabama.
Integrating a new digital technology that combines data-driven insights and data storage with innovative mobility can provide a new level of connected intelligence. Digitalization can improve workflow, increase worker productivity and allow better...
Phillips 66 has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its 25% non-operated equity interest in Gulf Coast Express Pipeline LLC to an affiliate of ArcLight Capital Partners for $865 million.
ONEOK has agreed to sell three wholly owned interstate natural gas pipeline systems to DT Midstream for a total cash consideration of $1.2 billion subject to customary adjustments.
A fire that followed a pipeline explosion at a natural gas complex in Venezuela was almost completely extinguished on Wednesday.
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has announced a significant investment of $196 million in grants to modernize aging natural gas pipelines across the United States.
Since 2023, pipeline companies have completed four new petroleum liquids pipeline projects in the United States—three crude oil pipeline projects and one hydrocarbon gas liquids project.
Equity Engineering Practices® (EEPs) are a collection of design and maintenance focused corporate standards that include >850 engineering standards, and >300 piping classes. Enhance your mechanical integrity programs, improve equipment...
Enbridge, in collaboration with Microsoft, is harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to drive significant advancements in safety, emissions reduction, and asset optimization across its operations.
Houston-based Summit Midstream has agreed to acquire Tall Oak Midstream III for a mix of cash and equity consideration valued at $450 million.
bp has agreed to sell a non-controlling interest in the Trans Adriatic Pipeline to Apollo for $1 billion. The companies will also investigate potential co-operation in both gas and low carbon energy assets, and infrastructure.
Natural gas pipeline takeaway capacity in the Permian Basin is set to increase by 9.8 Bcf/d as four new pipelines come into service over the next few years.
Canada's Pembina Pipeline said it will buy some infrastructure assets in Alberta Montney from oil producer Veren Inc.
In today's chemical and refining industries, sustained long term reliability of facilities is critical to profitability and competitiveness. In fact, history shows that differences in operating expenses between best-in-class refineries, and poor...
Voyager Midstream Holdings has acquired natural gas gathering and processing assets from Phillips 66, including approximately 550 miles of natural gas pipelines and associated compression.
Edgewater Midstream has entered into agreements with certain subsidiaries of Shell USA, Inc. to acquire the Sinco Pipeline system and the Colex East and Colex West Terminals in the Houston refining corridor.
ONEOK is acquiring Medallion Midstream and a controlling interest in EnLink Midstream from Global Infrastructure Partners in transactions valued at $5.9 billion.
Mexico's hydrocarbon regulator approved on Thursday a request by state energy company Pemex to expand a natural gas project in the Gulf of Mexico, which requires extra investments of just over $400 million.
Brazos Midstream has completed several significant milestone projects consisting of major new-build pipelines and processing facilities located in the heart of the Midland Basin, one of the most active oil and gas producing regions in the U.S.
Are you truly prepared for your next Turnaround? Effective work processes are required to successfully plan, manage, review and supervise plant turnarounds. Inspection planning and work scope selection are critical aspects of any turnaround...
Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea have signed an agreement to establish and operate a gas pipeline.
ONEOK, Inc. has announced plans to expand its pipeline capacity connecting Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast refined products supply with the greater Denver area to meet growing demand and increase connectivity with Denver International Airport.
Energy Transfer and Sunoco recently announced the formation of a joint venture combining their respective crude oil and produced water gathering assets in the Permian Basin.
Energy Transfer has completed its $3.25 billion acquisition of WTG Midstream, adding ~6,000 miles of complementary gas gathering pipelines and ten gas processing plants to its network.
The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved Venture Global's request to site, construct and operate the Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) LNG export terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana
Traditional pressure vessel inspections often require taking assets out of service. However, MISTRAS’ Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) programs provide data as good or better than internal inspections, while assets remain in service. NII is...
The Mountain Valley Pipeline recently began operations after satisfying all applicable legal and regulatory requirements, including all in-service conditions of PHMSA's Consent Agreement for the project, and receiving all remaining FERC approvals.
Energy Transfer and WTG Midstream announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which Energy Transfer will acquire WTG Midstream.
Phillips 66 announced today it has agreed to acquire Pinnacle Midland Parent LLC from private equity firm Energy Spectrum Capital.
Pembina Pipeline Corporation has completed its previously announced acquisition of Enbridge’s interest in the Alliance, Aux Sable, and NRGreen joint ventures for approximately $3.1 billion.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) announced the publication of a pipeline public engagement standard.
Traditional, paper-based inspection processes can prevent plants from being as effective as they can be. By digitalizing your mechanical integrity process and data with MISTRAS Digital®, plants have realized up to 75% gains in IDMS data entry and...
United States oil refiner Phillips 66 is exploring a sale of its 25% stake in the Rockies Express Pipeline.
TC Energy's Keystone oil pipeline has resumed service after going offline and temporarily restricting a major conduit of Canadian oil to the United States, which sent oil prices higher.
A mainstay girth weld inspection solution for over a decade, the PipeWIZARD™ iX automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) system has been optimized to redefine pipeline weld joint assessments.
U.S. energy regulators approved a cross-border pipeline that would export about 2.8 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas from Texas to Mexico.
Phillips 66 has shut a section of a natural gas pipeline it operates in Oklahoma after a fire and rupture on Tuesday. The company said the fire was extinguished early on Wednesday, while it has not yet determined the cause of the incident.
Antea delivers highly flexible risk-based asset integrity software with 3D Digital Twin integration to optimize maintenance, reduce risk, and improve mechanical integrity for oil and gas, power generation, and chemical plants and facilities....
Williams recently announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire a portfolio of natural gas storage assets from an affiliate of Hartree Partners LP for $1.95 billion.
Enbridge has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its 50.0% interest in Alliance Pipeline and its 42.7% interest in Aux Sable to Pembina Pipeline Corporation for $3.1 billion.
BP has restarted its Olympic Pipeline after it reportedly leaked roughly 25,000 gallons of gasoline near Mount Vernon in Washington state.
The Canada Energy Regulator denied a request from the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) project for a variance on a section of pipeline under construction.
Kinder Morgan recently announced that it has agreed to acquire NextEra Energy Partner’s South Texas assets, STX Midstream, for $1.815 billion.
Ethos has assembled a team of experts who apply what they learned through years of process safety experience in the industry and dealing with OSHA and EPA. Click here to learn more about our services.
The Canada Energy Regulator has ordered the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project to stop work in a wetland area near Abbotsford, British Columbia, after inspectors found several environmental and safety-related non-compliances.
Enterprise has announced 4 new capital projects to support production growth in the Permian Basin. They are also returning the Seminole Pipeline, which has a capacity of 210,000 bpd of crude oil, to natural gas liquid service in December 2023
Canadian pipeline operator TC Energy is exploring a multibillion-dollar asset sale plan to lower its debt and fund new investments.
Finland is tightening access to parts of its Inkoo port as part of efforts in the wider region to intensify security at energy installations.
Equitrans Midstream said it has entered into a consent agreement with the U.S. pipeline regulator for the Mountain Valley Pipeline project.
Whether you decide for a Computed Radiography scanner with flexible imaging plates or a flat panel detector with the fastest imaging, or even combine the advantages of both technologies, DÜRR NDT's innovative systems offer high reliability and...
PHMSA announced it is awarding $14.8 million in grants to fund projects and activities to improve pipeline safety.
PHMSA announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to strengthen safety requirements for millions of miles of gas distribution pipelines.
Equitrans Midstream on Tuesday said it still expects to complete the Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline by the end of the year.
Cheniere says it may build a new pipeline to link its Louisiana expansion project to other pipelines in major shale-gas producing regions.
Midstream companies in North America will spend $50 billion this year and next to keep up with surging volumes of natural gas from prime shale basins.
Traditional inspection methods used to detect internal corrosion and corrosion under insulation (CUI) in piping and pipeline assets can be time-consuming and costly. With ART, you’ll discover CUI detection best practices that can help save you up...
U.S. energy company Williams Cos Inc is on track to complete two natural gas pipeline projects in New Jersey and Louisiana on time by the end of 2024.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today announced it is proposing a new rule to significantly improve the detection and repair of leaks from gas pipelines.
PHMSA recently announced more than $25 million in grant funding for projects that will train first responders, strengthen safety programs, improve safety, reduce environmental impacts, and educate the public on local safety initiatives.
Energy Transfer LP has agreed to acquire Lotus Midstream Operations LLC in a deal that will increase its crude pipeline assets across the Permian basin.
Enbridge is planning more than $3 billion worth of investments in natural gas and liquids infrastructure and renewable power this year.
Want to digitize your NDT data evaluation process and enable remote access to the data for all stakeholders? Contact us at to learn how the DIMATE PACS system can improve your NDT data management.
Hungary plans to cooperate with Croatia to increase the capacity of the Adriatic pipeline that brings non-Russian crude to Hungary.
Phillips 66 said on Friday it will acquire all publicly held common units representing limited partner interests in DCP Midstream for cash consideration of $41.75 per common unit, increasing its economic interest in DCP Midstream to 86.8%.
Targa Resources has agreed to acquire Blackstone Energy Partners’ 25% interest in Targa’s Grand Prix NGL Pipeline for $1.05 billion in cash plus customary working capital adjustments, giving Targa full ownership of Grand Prix upon closing.
An outage on the largest oil pipeline to the United States from Canada could affect inventories at a key U.S. storage hub and cut crude supplies to two oil refining centers, analysts and traders said on Friday.
Top U.S. LNG exporter Cheniere Energy Inc will form a joint venture with units of Whistler Pipeline LLC to construct the ADCC natural gas pipeline, WhiteWater Midstream LLC said on Monday.
Companies have developed detailed programs for managing wide range of assets. However, unsustainability negatively impacts effectiveness of these programs. Reach out to us on how we can address sustainability through digital transformation.
Australia's Santos Ltd said on Monday it would spend an additional $311 million to build a new pipeline to transport gas from its offshore Barossa field to its Darwin LNG plant in the Northern Territory.
Shell on Tuesday said it plans to shut for two weeks in September a key crude oil pipeline in Gulf of Mexico that supplies oil to Louisiana refineries.
Baker Hughes has announced it will acquire Quest Integrity, boosting its asset integrity solutions for “difficult to inspect” pipelines, adding capability for inspection of furnace tubes and loading terminals, along with other industrial markets.
A leak at a booster station in Louisiana forced six oil and gas fields in the Gulf of Mexico to shut down after oil major Shell was forced to close its Mars and Amberjack pipelines.
TC Energy Corp said on Thursday it had struck a deal with a Mexican state utility to develop a $4.5 billion natural gas pipeline.
Lessen downtime by enhancing your plant infrastructure, ensuring mechanical integrity, and extending equipment lifespan. Contact us for on-demand engineering expertise in assessment, problem-solving, specialized testing, and preventative solutions.
Over 2,600 hazardous gas pipeline leaks in the US caused more than $4 billion in damages and emergency services, killed 122 people, and released 26.6 billion cubic feet of fuel as methane or carbon dioxide, according to a report released on Thursday.
In the first quarter of 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved three projects intended to increase U.S. natural gas exports via pipeline and as liquefied natural gas (LNG).
WhiteWater Midstream, EnLink Midstream, Devon Energy Corp., and MPLX LP will move forward with the construction of the Matterhorn Express Pipeline after securing sufficient firm transportation agreements with shippers.
MISTRAS Group has announced recent innovative technological advancements to its integrated pipeline integrity and inspection solutions.
MPLX is moving forward with the expansion of its Whistler Pipeline in the Permian Basin, increasing the mainline capacity from 2 Bcf/d to 2.5 Bcf/d through the planned installation of three new compressor stations.
With the IMS Suite, you can calculate optimal intervention periods and lay out efficient maintenance strategies. Click here to learn more.
API and the Association of Oil Pipe Lines have released their annual 2021 Pipeline Safety Excellence Performance Report, which found that the safety of liquids pipelines increased across several key indicators.
API has released two revised liquid pipeline leak detection standards to improve operational integrity and advance operators’ mitigation capabilities.
Pinnacle, a reliability data analytics company, released its Economics of Reliability report for the midstream oil & gas industry today.
PHMSA has announced a new rule requiring the installation of remotely controlled or automatic shut-off valves, or alternative equivalent technologies, on new and replaced onshore natural gas, carbon dioxide, and other hazardous liquid pipelines.
API’s new Pipeline Facility Construction Inspection certification, will help to ensure the industry has competent and qualified inspectors for pipeline facility operations, including pump stations, compressor stations and related facilities.
Learn how you can safeguard integrity, reliability, instrumentation safety, and more.
Targa Resources Corp. recently announced it has executed agreements selling its wholly-owned subsidiary that holds a 25% equity interest in the Gulf Coast Express Pipeline for $857 million.
Manufacturing defects involving certain pipelines components accounted for less than 2 percent (23 of 1,529) of all accidents on gas and hazardous liquid interstate transmission pipelines from 2016 through 2020, according to GAO's analysis.
API announced the first-edition of a standard providing a framework for pipeline operators to develop a comprehensive pipeline integrity management program to strengthen efficiencies, prevent incidents and further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has issued a new rule that extends more stringent pipeline Integrity Management Program requirements to hazardous liquid pipelines near sensitive waterways.
Overall U.S. pipeline capacity utilization is at around 50%, compared with a range of 60% to 70% headed into early 2020 before the coronavirus pandemic hit, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie.
Increase the efficiency of your mechanical integrity programs through the design, implementation and optimization of inspection databases.
Aramco announces $15.5 billion landmark gas pipeline deal with global consortium led by BlackRock Real Assets and Hassana Investment Company.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is issuing a final rule that expands Federal pipeline safety oversight to all onshore gas gathering pipelines.
PHMSA announced that it is awarding $98,800,117 in grants to states, territories, and tribes to help enhance pipeline and hazardous materials safety programs at the community level for 11 different safety programs
Enbridge recently announced that it has entered into a definitive purchase agreement to acquire Moda Midstream Operating, LLC for USD $3 billion in cash. The deal includes a 100% operating interest in North America's largest crude export terminal.
Colonial Pipeline has restored service to Lines 1 & 2, which run from Houston, TX to Greensboro, NC, following a temporary shutdown in advance of Hurricane Ida making landfall off the coast of Louisiana.
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IMTT recently announced it will build additional tanks, pipeline, and dock infrastructure at its Geismar, Louisiana marine terminal to handle renewable feedstocks and renewable products, including renewable diesel, biodiesel and other products.
Team, Inc., a global leading provider of integrated, digitally-enabled asset performance assurance and optimization solutions, announced today the commercial launch of its proprietary double block and bleed SmartStop™ Isolation Technology.
The 450-mile Whistler Pipeline was recently brought online in Texas, providing approximately 2.0 Bcf/d of incremental natural gas transport capacity to the Texas Gulf Coast markets from the Permian basin.
HollyFrontier and Holly Energy Partners are acquiring Sinclair Oil in a deal valued at approximately $2.6B that will include Sinclair's branded marketing business, refineries, renewable diesel business, and pipeline and terminal assets.
API published an update to Standard 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities, updating an important global standard that supports industry-wide actions to strengthen environmental sustainability efforts while meeting growing energy demand.
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The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has imposed a $1 million fine and new safety requirements on Energy Transfer following the 2018 explosion and fire at its Revolution natural gas pipeline in Western Pennsylvania.
Tellurian has submitted a formal application to construct and operate an approximately 37-mile interstate pipeline that will originate in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana and end in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
TC Energy has officially terminated the Keystone XL Pipeline Project after a decade-long battle U.S. landowners, environmental groups, and Native American tribes.
Enable Midstream has secured FERC approval to construct and operate its Gulf Run Pipeline project, designed to transport up to 1.7 Bcf/d of natural gas from the Haynesville, Marcellus, Utica and Barnett shales to the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Kinder Morgan has agreed to acquire Stagecoach Gas Services for $1.225 Billion. The deal includes 4 natural gas storage facilities and 3 pipelines serving Northeast market demand and Marcellus supply.
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An explosion on an oxygen pipeline in a petrochemical plant in Assaluyeh on Iran's Gulf coast killed one worker, Iranian state media reported on Wednesday, adding that the ensuing fire had been extinguished.
A fire in four oil pipelines that feed the Aqaba refinery has been put out, Jordan's state news agency said on Thursday.
From November 2020 through January 2021, approximately 4.4 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of new natural gas pipeline capacity entered service, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Natural Gas Pipeline Project...
NuStar Energy plans to increase capacity of its Albuquerque Pipeline to deliver approximately 6,000 bpd of additional refined products, including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to the region.
Energy Transfer LP and Enable Midstream Partners, LP have entered into a definitive merger agreement whereby Energy Transfer will acquire Enable in an all-equity transaction valued at approximately $7.2 billion.
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Alaska wants to start on the first phase of the state’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plant and pipeline project by seeking federal funding and working with a private firm to build a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to Fairbanks.
On Wednesday, newly inaugurated U.S. President Joe Biden announced America’s return to the international Paris Agreement to fight climate change and revoked a vital permit for TC Energy’s Keystone XL oil pipeline project from Canada.
U.S. President-elect Joe Biden’s expected move to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline prompted Canada’s main oil-producing province of Alberta on Monday to threaten to seek damages as Ottawa made efforts to save the troubled project.
Double E Pipeline LLC has asked U.S. energy regulators for permission to start building a 135-mile natural gas pipeline project in Texas and New Mexico.
The closure of some U.S. oil refineries will have a net benefit to Magellan Midstream Partners LP’s refined products pipeline systems, the company’s chief executive officer said on Wednesday.
The International Pressure Equipment Integrity Association (IPEIA) is looking for presenters for its 25th Annual Conference taking place March 1 - 5, 2021 in Banff, Alberta. The deadline for abstract submission is September 12th, 2020.
API has released its 2019 Pipeline Safety Excellence Performance Report showing that liquid pipeline incidents have decreased significantly over the last 5 years, while pipeline mileage and barrels delivered have increased.
Three of Enbridge’s pipelines were shut following a fire on the company’s Line 10 segment of its Texas Eastern Natural Gas System, in Fleming County, Kentucky on May 4, the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) said.
The 33rd annual Pipeline Pigging and Integrity Management (PPIM) Conference and Exhibition is now accepting papers for the 2021 event.
The American Petroleum Institute has published an updated 2nd Edition of Recommended Practice 1169 - Pipeline Construction Inspection.
Midstream companies are taking appropriate precautions and following strict COVID-19 protocols so that midstream operations, considered critical infrastructure by the Department of Homeland Security, are not interrupted.
API issued two standards, Recommended Practice (RP) 1182 and the second edition of RP 80, designed to address the safe operation of larger gathering pipelines used to transport natural gas from production sites to larger interstate pipelines.
TC Energy Corporation recently announced that it will proceed with construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project, resulting in an investment of approximately US$8.0 billion into the North American economy.
Marathon Petroleum is reportedly exploring the sale of as much as $15 billion in assets of its pipeline subsidiary MPLX LP, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
This week, PHMSA proposed new federal pipeline safety regulations that would require the installation of remotely controlled or automatic shutoff valves on certain newly constructed natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines.
Enterprise Products Partners LP said on Thursday it will own a 29% undivided joint interest in the Wink-to-Webster crude pipeline system and construction on the segment to Webster, Texas, is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.
Last week, more than 30 industry groups, including the API, called on the Trump administration to finish a regulatory overhaul that would expedite federal environmental approval for big infrastructure projects such as pipelines and road expansions.
Calumet Specialty Products Partners recently closed on the sale of its San Antonio, TX refinery and related assets, including a crude oil terminal and pipeline, to Starlight Relativity Acquisition Company for $63 million.
BP Midstream Partners LP is considering expanding its Mars crude oil pipeline to accommodate new volumes from offshore oil fields, Chief Financial Officer Craig Coburn said on Tuesday.
Harvest Midstream Company, an affiliate of Hilcorp Energy Company, recently announced the start of construction for the Ingleside Pipeline and the Harvest Midway Terminal.
TC Energy Corp said on Wednesday that a response team contained an oil spill in Walsh County, North Dakota from its Keystone crude pipeline.
Enterprise Product Partners plans to build a 450,000 bpd pipeline that connects its 6 million barrel Midland, TX storage facility to its ECHO Terminal through its Eagle Ford system in South Texas.
NextEra Energy Partners, LP has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Meade Pipeline Co LLC in a transaction valued at approximately $1.37 billion, including roughly $90 million in future capital contributions through 2022.
PHMSA has transmitted three significant final rules to the Federal Register that will strengthen the safety of more than 500,000 miles of onshore gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipelines throughout the U.S.
NextDecade Corporation and Enbridge Inc. recently announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to jointly pursue the development of the Rio Bravo Pipeline (Rio Bravo) and other natural gas pipelines in South Texas.
Energy Transfer LP has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire SemGroup Corporation in a unit and cash transaction valued at approximately $5 billion.
Pembina Pipeline Corporation is acquiring Kinder Morgan Canada Limited in a multi-billion dollar deal.
The blast near Danville, Kentucky was the second so far this year on the Texas Eastern system following an explosion in Ohio in January that injured at least two people.
Venture Global LNG, Inc. is proud to announce that the company’s $5.8 billion Calcasieu Pass LNG construction financing has received over $10 billion in binding commitments from Initial Coordinating Lead Arrangers.
Air Liquide plans to invest nearly $140 million USD to build a new world-scale Air Separation Unit in Bay City, Texas, and add nearly eight miles of pipeline to its Gulf Coast Pipeline System
Canada, as expected on Tuesday, approved a hotly contested proposal to expand the Trans Mountain oil pipeline it bought last year.
Phillips 66 and Bridger Pipeline LLC have formed a 50/50 joint venture to build the Liberty Pipeline, a 24-inch pipeline providing crude oil transportation service from the Rockies and Bakken production areas to Cushing, Oklahoma.
The American Petroleum Institute (API), in coordination with the Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL), released the 2019 Liquids Pipeline Performance Report, detailing how liquids pipeline incidents have decreased 20 percent over the last 5 years.
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Wednesday said the Trump administration would soon issue an executive order that would open the door for more natural gas pipelines and exports of liquefied natural gas, or LNG.
Noble Midstream and Salt Creek Midstream have closed on their JV Delaware Crossing project which will provide crude gathering and transportation services and include a 95-mile pipeline in the southern Delaware Basin.
Chevron U.S.A. Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, has signed a Share Purchase Agreement with Petrobras to acquire all the outstanding shares and equity interests of Pasadena Refining System, Inc. for $350 million.
Three new pipeline projects in the northeast received approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in October, the first projects to be approved since February. FERC regained its quorum in August after the Senate confirmed two new...
Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Judith G. Garber has issued Presidential permits for three NuStar Logistics, L.P. pipelines.
"Unpiggable" pipelines are a thing of the past. With Quest Integrity's suite of in-line inspection tools, you can be confident in the state of your pipeline, no matter what.
Last week, the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) revised its regulations and increased the maximum civil penalty amount for violations of Federal pipeline safety law.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Justice today announced a settlement with Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P., for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act related to gasoline, diesel and jet fuel spills in Texas...
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today issued a final rule entitled, "Operator Qualification, Cost Recovery, Accident and Incident Notification, and Other Pipeline Safety Changes."
Today's signing of the final rule for the safety of on-shore hazardous liquid pipelines completes one of the agency's top priority rulemakings for 2016.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has opened an investigation into a pipeline accident in Helena, Alabama, in which one worker died and four others were seriously injured.
The U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today issued an Interim Final Rule ("IFR") to implement the agency's expanded authority to address unsafe pipeline conditions or practices...
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced today that it has completed its investigation of the May 19, 2015, Plains All-American pipeline release in Santa Barbara County,...
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Transporation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration announced proposed regulations to make critical safety improvements for hazardous liquid pipelines. The proposed regulations seek to...
The U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardouse Materials Safety Administration has proposed new requirements to strengthen Federal pipeline safety regulations related to pipeline accident and incident notification. The Operator...
The National Transportation Safety Board today adopted a safety study on integrity management of gas transmission pipelines in high consequence areas. Integrity management is the process by which pipeline operators and inspectors find and address...
Pipelines are extremely safe and efficient for transporting energy across the United States, the industry’s continual efforts to improve the safety of the nation’s network of crude and petroleum product pipelines have reduced pipeline...