Webinar Overview
As an industry, we have made much progress in the overlapping fields of mechanical integrity and fixed equipment reliability. But we have yet not arrived. This is a journey of continuous improvement.
Greg Alvarado, Inspectioneering’s Chief Editor, presents our webinar, Mechanical Integrity: How We Got Here and Where We’re Headed. During this webinar, Greg shares industry experiences and initiatives that were seminal in getting us to where we are, as well as insights on where we would do well to focus in the future.
About the Speakers
Greg Alvarado is the Founder and Chief Editor of Inspectioneering Journal. He possesses over 40 years of experience in the chemical, petrochemical, and oil and gas industries. His roles have included positions as an owner-operator, consultant, Chief Chemist, and Corrosion/Materials/NDE applications engineer. He has specialized in risk-based inspection consulting training and project management since 1996. He is a 30-year member of the API Subcommittee on Mechanical Integrity & Inspection and a long-time working member of the API RP 580 and API RP 581 task groups on risk-based inspection.
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