Inspectioneering Journal

Microwave NDE Technique - Testing of FRP and PE Piping - Examples

By Bob Stakenborghs, P.E., CEO at Advanced Microwave Imaging. This article appears in the March/April 2005 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

Once the microwave inspection method was determined to be capable of providing reliable and meaningful inspection results for defects located on the exterior, interior, and interior surfaces of non-metallic components, potential industry applications were identified. Upon investigation, these applications proved to be numerous and varied in nature. This is the result of an apparent lack of reliable inspection techniques for many non- metallic components that are rapidly becoming materials of choice in many industries. Non-metallic materials are displacing steel in many applications due to their unique corrosion resistance and high strength to weight properties.

Some of the potential applications for microwave inspection that were identified include:

  • Piping and piping components such as fiberglass and polyethylene
  • Piping repairs such as fiberglass wrap
  • Construction materials such as wood, fiberglass and composite materials
  • Insulation materials such as spray on foam and ceramics
  • Coatings such as epoxy and polyurea

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