Inspectioneering Journal

An Inspection Record System Information Management System

Part 2

By Mark Bell, Senior Asset Integrity Consultant at Ethos Mechanical Integrity Solutions. This article appears in the March/April 1998 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.
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A Place to Store Inspection Information Other Than Thickness Measurements, Including Narrative Information

Developing a descriptive history of our equipment is essential to an effective information management system. Our system should allow us to store: 1) narrative information describing the conditions found, the type and extent of inspection, the inspection techniques and tools used, and any repairs completed or recommended; 2) numerical information other than thickness data, such as hardness measurements we take as part of wet H2S inspection programs or the relieving pressure of a pressure relief device on a test stand (this date should be accessible through ad hoc queries); 3) codified information, such as fouling, corrosion, cracking, repairs, rerates, inspection techniques applied, etc.; and 4) the name of the responsible inspector. Codified information is important in giving us the ability to sort and query our data to really understand what is changing, or to learn what the important issues are.

A Place to Store Design and Construction Data

Having access to design data on-line can really improve inspector productivity. On-line access to design data can eliminate having to go to a file room every time someone asks for a vessel diameter, MAWP, or MDMT. Without easy access to design data, inspectors are often driven to either horde files in their offices (where nobody else can find them), make their own copies of files (which do not get updated when changes are made) or they just tell themselves they really do not need the information and just get along without it.

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