Sponsored Ebook

A Guide to Digital Image Management and PACS in Nondestructive Testing

DIMATE GmbH, January 18, 2024

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In nondestructive testing (NDT), managing digital images is critical for precision and efficiency. As industries increasingly adopt digital imaging technologies, it is crucial to understand the importance of reproducible image management and the challenges posed by traditional image archiving, tracking changes, and communication methods.

This eBook explores the challenges of traditional image archiving, change/version management, and the advantages of digital imaging technologies. It introduces the industry-standard DICONDE for efficient data sharing, as well as the critical role Picture Archiving & Communication Systems (PACS) play in image management.

The eBook also discusses the integration of PACS with artificial intelligence and machine learning for enhanced defect detection and characterization while highlighting the practical applications and improved decision-making through a real-world case study. Additionally, future trends and innovations in PACS are explored, including emerging technologies and their potential in NDT.

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A Guide to Digital Image Management and PACS in Nondestructive Testing

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