
Two New Editions of API Standards Issued (API 570 & 580)

By John Reynolds, Principal Consultant at Intertek. March 7, 2016

API 570 4th Edition Issued

A number of changes and updates are included in the newly released, 4th edition of API 570.  Some of the more significant changes include:

  • Numerous new and revised definitions
  • Recognition of screening techniques for thickness monitoring
  • Strengthened the recognition of the advantages of using profile radiography vs. spot UT for monitoring localized corrosion in NPS8 and under pipe sizes and especially in deadlegs
  • More recognition of NDE techniques for monitoring CUI and reference to the new RP 583 on CUI
  • New section on piping mix points
  • Recognition of the low-silicon effect on sulfidation of carbon steel added
  • More guidance on the inspection of piping in intermittent service
  • Enhanced guidance on SBP, threaded piping, auxiliary piping and deadleg inspections
  • Controlled deposition welding section added
  • New section on Integrity Operating Windows (IOW’s) with reference to RP 584
  • Improved guidance for the classification of piping systems
  • Improved guidance on the number of CML’s to be included in each inspection
  • More guidance on the determination and extent of required thickness requirements, including the use of statistical analysis
  • Improved guidance on the inspection of buried piping
  • The Code no longer covers abandoned-in-place piping, but does cover mothballed piping that can be used again
  • Recognition of RP 580 that now covers basic minimum requirements for RBI as well as recommended practices
  • New section on piping systemization and circuitization
  • Clarification that LDAR injection fittings on valves are not considered a temporary repair covered under the section that covers integrity repairs
  • Improved guidance on plugging of weep holes
  • Reference to the new RP 585 for investigation of piping failures
  • Update to the section on inspection deferrals and interval revisions
  • Revisions to responsibilities for review and approval of various piping code requirements
  • Some existing information in 570 was moved to RP 574 which is referenced extensively throughout 570; RP 574 is now considered indispensible for the application of 570
  • And dozens more additions, changes and edits.

API 580 3rd Edition Issued

Very few significant changes in the RBI work process are included in the 3rd edition of API 580; but what did happen is that 46 “shoulds” in the 2nd edition became “shalls” in the 3rd edition.  So now, if you are going to conduct RBI for your inspection planning business, then you will be well advised to look over the new edition and make sure you are in compliance with all the minimum requirements specified for the RBI work process.  Fortunately, that process of assessing all the new “shalls” will be relatively easy as they are summarized in the introduction, as well as being included throughout the text of the RP.  Still, the use of risk-based methodologies for inspection planning is not compulsory; they are optional, subject to the requirements and limitations of the other inspection codes (API 510, API 570, and API 653) and RP 580.  I recommend you get yourself a copy and have a look.

Comments and Discussion

Posted by Amin Shadman on March 8, 2016
Thanks for sharing about these two... Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

Posted by John Reynolds on March 8, 2016
Thanks for pointing that out. I think it is... Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

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