Inspectioneering Journal

ASME PCC-1: The Change from a Bolting Guideline to a Bolting Standard

By Scott Hamilton, Founder and CEO at Hex Technology. This article appears in the May/June 2023 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.


To rewrite and transition ASME PCC-1 (Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly) from a “guideline” to a “standard,” there was much learning that had to be done by myself as Chairman and the rest of the subcommittee.

There was no precedent for doing this in ASME–and trust me–I asked everyone. Even our incredible ASME staff secretary was learning as we went. There was just no other document that started as a Guideline and became a Standard.

Also, think of how many variables are in a bolted joint and how we would address them in a standard. So, we had to address some items upfront and then work them as we went. Here are some of the items we had to discuss:

  • What is ASME PCC-1, and what is it not?
  • What is a Guideline, and what is a Standard?
  • Is ASME PCC-1 already a Standard?
  • For whom is ASME PCC-1 supposed to be written?
  • How should ASME PCC-1 be formatted?
  • What is the ASME Style Guide?
  • How do we keep the intent and information in the document without losing great content?

Bolted joints are very complex, with many variables. Think about rewriting a living document and almost changing its direction without changing the intent or technology. This was not an easy task for the subcommittee, but we did it in three years.

Note that while addressing these topics, one must remember that our group consists of volunteers only. No individual or group gets paid or supplemented in any way. There were a lot of late-night discussions after work hours on these topics, and not everything could get solved.

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Comments and Discussion

Posted by Jeffrey Stoudt on June 29, 2023
Has anyone reviewed the applicability of EPRI... Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

Posted by Steven Manuel on June 29, 2023
I have not but I will make sure to read the... Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

Posted by Dhananjay Rawal on July 4, 2023
Excellent Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

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