Inspectioneering Journal

Effective Planning for Utilization of Contractor API Inspectors for Turnarounds

Part 6

By Kelley Jones at Pro-Inspect Inc. This article appears in the November/December 2003 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.
This article is part 6 of a 6-part series.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6


In the previous articles, we have put all the Pre-Turnaround and actual Turnaround activities in place to get the job safely done. Now we need to find the API Inspectors and have them approved by the client as quickly as possible. I have indicated below how to accomplish this task in a quick and efficient manner.

Item #11 - Inspection Approval - Contractor Starts the Process

The approval process by the client for contractor API Inspectors is extremely important. As soon as a company is awarded a Turnaround contract, they immediately research their labor force database to see who is available during the required Turnaround period. The contractor knows “all” about the job. He makes his list of potential API Inspectors based on several items:

  1. Safety record - Personal Record
  2. Availability during the time frame
  3. Worked at facility previously
  4. “Pre-approved” from previous work at facility
  5. Pay requested vs. Pay available
  6. Per diem requested vs. Per diem available
  7. Travel distance vs. Travel pay available
  8. Hours preferred to work vs. actual hours available
  9. Willing to work nights or days
  10. Unit experience (this type)
  11. Willing to perform selected NDE tasks
  12. Overall attitude

These are just some of the issues that must be examined and answered immediately by the inspection company coordinator. The potential inspector is then called. If the contacted personnel meet all these requirements and accepts the job, then the resume must be sent the next day if possible.

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