This article is part 4 of a 6-part series. |
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
If you enter a petrochemical facility to work everyday, you realize the security issues. It is very important to have this issue resolved before the inspectors begin to arrive. The first morning of the Turnaround there are usually several thousand contractors trying to get in the same gate. Inspectors are a small fraction of the Turnaround workforce. However, they can get caught up in the overall delays.
Here is a sample scenario:
We are getting very close to finally having the inspector arrive at the jobsite. You are almost ready to go to work. Not necessarily! Many man-hours are lost at the contractor entrance gate. An inspector has traveled many hours, lets make sure he does not reach a “roadblock” on his first day. Let’s plan to get him through he gate. Let’s also be prepared to let him know the onsite work office location and conditions. Let’s start out the job with a positive “I’m going to like it here” attitude. I will tell you how to achieve this in these two (2) areas listed below.
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