Webinar Replay

Combining Subject Matter Expertise and Data Science to Optimize CML Inspection

Pinnacle, March 10, 2022

Webinar Overview

While facilities now have access to more data than ever before, many continue to struggle with getting the most value out of that data. A combination of engineering principles and statistical methods can help to bridge the gap between technological advancements in data analysis and traditional expertise-driven approaches. Leveraging this hybrid approach, it is possible to combine engineering principles with statistical methods to optimize condition monitoring location (CML) placement, inspection, and scheduling.

Inspectioneering has teamed up with Pinnacle to bring you Combining Subject Matter Expertise and Data Science to Optimize CML Inspection, a one hour webinar presented by Andrew Waters, Lynne Kaley, and Davis Baker. During the presention, the group of speakers discuss unique insights gained through the combination of expert analysis and data science methods that would not have been seen by either method alone. The goal of the presentation is to provide the viewer with a better understanding of how to incorporate engineering expertise with data science to confidently balance risk and cost in order to make more effective decisions on their corrosion monitoring strategy.

The webinar includes:

  • Discussion of the emphasis on reducing/managing risk, which may or may not reduce costs.
  • An introduction of the concept of CML Families.
  • A review of degradation modes such as general thinning, local thinning, and cracking.
  • A walk through of several case study examples.

About the Speakers

Andrew "Drew" Waters, PhD, Chief Data Scientist at Pinnacle, specializes in developing data-driven algorithms to enhance a variety of reliability and maintenance applications, including utilizing machine learning methods to improve and augment human decision making. He holds a doctorate in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University and is the author of over 20 publications in the areas of signal processing, machine learning, and Bayesian statistical methods.

Lynne Kaley, Vice President of R&D at Pinnacle, is an internationally recognized industry expert in corrosion & materials and fixed equipment mechanical integrity, and a leader in the development of Risk-Based Inspection technology for the refining and petrochemical industry. She pioneered the development of RBI technology in the early 90's and served as master editor for API RP 580 Third Edition, as well as API RP 581. Lynne holds a Bachelor of Science from Penn State University and a Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology.

Davis Baker, Product Manager at Pinnacle, specializes in developing data-driven reliability advancements for industrial facilities in the oil and gas, chemical, and mining industries. His research focuses on advancing reliability technologies that simplify a facility’s complexity, enabling better, data-driven decisions. Davis holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Indiana. 

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Comments and Discussion

Posted by Hassan Fazal Haider on March 11, 2022
Subject mater is very helful Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

Posted by Eslam Yassin on March 30, 2022
I liked the topic and how it has been tackled Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

Posted by Jose Mendes on May 25, 2022
This is a great topic and very well explained.... Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

Posted by Palanivel Kulanthaivel on December 25, 2022
Nice presentation for CML optimization. Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

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