
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)

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Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems, also known as fiber reinforced linings, are composite materials commonly used to reinforce infrastructure, including steel piping, in the oil and gas and other process industries. They are made of polymer matrices and reinforced with fibers.

FRP is frequently used to reinforce existing pipelines that have deteriorated over time; though they can also be used to correct design or construction errors in new pipelines. Of course, they can be used to reinforce other types of structures as well.

The materials used in creating FRP fibers are typically either glass, carbon, or aramid. Less common fibers used to make FRP include paper, wood, or asbestos. The polymer components of FRP are commonly made up of either epoxy, vinylester, or polyester thermosetting plastics, although sometimes phenol formaldehyde resins are used instead.

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Articles about Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)
November/December 2024 Inspectioneering Journal

The first standard practice was published for fiberglass aboveground pipe and duct system inspection. We’ll review the challenges involved with its development.

Authors: Gary L. Arthur
July/August 2024 Inspectioneering Journal

A look at common challenges with fiberglass aboveground storage tank inspections and how procedures were developed into standards to help lower safety risks.

Authors: Gary L. Arthur
May/June 2024 Inspectioneering Journal

A study of the application of inspections deployed with straight-beam ultrasonics technology to assess the condition of an FRP AST in a toxic chemical service.

September/October 2023 Inspectioneering Journal

A look at the dominant damage mechanisms experienced by FRP during service and several detection methods to identify inspection information for FFS assessment.

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
March/April 2021 Inspectioneering Journal

Globally accepted FFS procedures for non-metallic components, such as reinforced thermoplastic pipes, do not exist. There may be opportunity in adapting existing procedures for metallic components and their damage mechanisms to composite components.

Authors: Dr. Rob Kulka
Partner Content

Whether you decide for a Computed Radiography scanner with flexible imaging plates or a flat panel detector with the fastest imaging, or even combine the advantages of both technologies, DÜRR NDT's innovative systems offer high reliability and...

January/February 2021 Inspectioneering Journal

Even with significant work to establish standards and codes for FRP vessel design, failures still occur, some of which could have been prevented or mitigated by following a systematic external inspection program.

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
March/April 2020 Inspectioneering Journal

This article describes the construction of corrosion-resistant fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), commonly used for pressure vessels and piping in the chemical processing industry, and the practices used for inspecting corrosion-resistant barriers.

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
July/August 2019 Inspectioneering Journal

This article is written to provide a brief case study of an acoustic emission test of an FRP storage tank. A method combining acoustic emission with ultrasonics is proposed to ensure reliable long term operation.

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
May/June 2018 Inspectioneering Journal

With no industry consensus documents in existence that provide guidance for determining FFS of FRP, this article provides a case study that illustrates how an existing European design standard on GRP tanks can be used to calculate expected changes...

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
November/December 2017 Inspectioneering Journal

This article, part two in a series, provides a case study of an inspection and evaluation of a Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) column using nondestructive ultrasound readings on the outer surface of the FRP.

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
Partner Content

FER's extensive TA experience, combined with our custom software (RAMI Scope) that tracks all aspects of TA activities, we have the ability to keep your turnaround flowing flawlessly with the methodology to maximize your value of premium time.

May/June 2017 Inspectioneering Journal

Discover a new ultrasonic inspection approach that provides quantified mechanical integrity and conservative remaining service life information on fiberglass reinforced plastic equipment.

Authors: Geoff Clarkson
May/June 2015 Inspectioneering Journal

In recent years, the growing use of composite repair systems for the rehabilitation of piping systems in the refining and chemical industries has increased the need for associated technologies for their manufacturing, installation, and inspection....

Authors: David A. Hunter
January/February 1997 Inspectioneering Journal

Shortly after World War II, the FRP industry expanded rapidly into many areas. Chemical tanks were first fabricated in the 1950s. A comprehensive standard was needed and in 1969 a consensus standard was issued by the National Bureau of Standards:...

Authors: John E. Niesse
May/June 1996 Inspectioneering Journal

Task Group T-1G-24 on Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Pipe and Accessories in Oilfield Service is working on a test method for evaluating the compatibility of FRP tubulars in oilfield environments. They hope to submit a draft for ballot...

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