According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and National Environment Agency (NEA), Shell was forced to shut down one of its oil processing units at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park at Pulau Bukom on Thursday, December 26, to facilitate investigation into a suspected leak in the system. Shell estimated that a few tonnes of the refined oil products were leaked, together with the cooling water discharge.
Shell laid containment and absorbent booms and sprayed dispersants in the channel where the cooling water is being discharged. The in-built oil skimmer system in the channel was also activated. Containment and absorbent booms have been laid at the mouth of the channel, to prevent residual oil leaked from spreading into the sea.
As of Saturday, December 28, there is no more oil leak observed going into the cooling water discharge channel after Shell shut down its oil processing unit. Efforts by Shell to locate the source of the leak in the oil processing unit are ongoing. Additional containment and absorbent booms have been laid in the channel and at the mouth of the channel as precautionary measures. The clean-up of the light oil sheens off Pulau Bukom has been completed. Absorbent booms at Sisters’ Islands Marine Park and the beaches on Sentosa have been laid as a precautionary measure. There have been no sightings of oil sheens or oil patches in the waters off Sentosa, and its beaches remain open for water activities.
NEA is investigating the incident with MPA, and actions will be taken if any wrongdoing or lapse is discovered.
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