
Four New Petroleum Liquids Pipelines Completed in the United States Since 2023

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), October 22, 2024

Since 2023, pipeline companies have completed four new petroleum liquids pipeline projects in the United States—three crude oil pipeline projects and one hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGL) project—according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) recently updated Liquids Pipeline Projects Database. No new petroleum product pipeline projects were completed during this period. Petroleum product pipelines carry gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other refinery products.

The completed projects are as follows: 

  • South Bend Pipeline is a 150,000-barrel-per-day (b/d) pipeline developed by Bridger Pipeline, LLC, that transports crude oil about 137 miles from Johnsons Corner, North Dakota, to Baker, Montana. It was completed in 2023.
  • Port Neches Link is a 630,000-b/d pipeline developed by Port Neches Link, LLC, a joint venture of TC Energy and Motiva Enterprises, that begins at the Sunoco Logistics terminal in Nederland and ends at Motiva’s terminal in Port Neches (both in Texas). The pipeline is approximately five miles in length and was completed in 2023. The Motiva section is a 30-inch diameter pipe, and the TC Energy section is 36-inch diameter pipe.
  • Borger Express Pipeline is a 90,000-b/d pipeline developed by Navigator Energy Service that transports crude oil about 195 miles from Major County, Oklahoma, to Hutchinson County, Texas. It was completed in 2023.
  • Seminole Red Pipeline was converted by Enterprise Products Partners from a crude oil pipeline back to an HGL pipeline while it builds Bahia Pipeline, another HGL pipeline project that will also service the Permian Basin. Seminole Red Pipeline was originally an HGL pipeline before it was converted to a 210,000-b/d crude oil pipeline in 2019. The conversion back to HGL was completed in 2024.

The EIA's Liquids Pipeline Projects Database contains information about projects at various stages of construction. Currently, 9 projects have been announced, and 10 projects are under construction. Since the EIA launched the database in 2010, 231 projects have been completed, and 17 projects have been permanently canceled.

The Liquids Pipeline Projects Database compiles information on more than 270 future, ongoing, and past liquids pipeline projects in the United States. These pipelines carry crude oil, HGL, and petroleum products. The database contains project types, start dates, capacity, mileage, geographic information, and project status. The EIA tracks expanded, reversed, converted, and new pipeline projects.

Some projects are connected to each other and may carry the same fuels to their final destinations. As a result, adding together the capacity of all projects would result in overestimating or double-counting some pipeline capacity.

The Liquids Pipeline Projects Database complements the EIA's natural gas pipeline projects database. The EIA updates its Liquids Pipeline Projects Database based on the best available information from pipeline company websites, trade press reports, and government documents, such as U.S. Department of State permits for border crossings. The EIA updates the database twice each year. The data reflect reported plans and do not reflect EIA assumptions on the likelihood or timing of project completion.

Click here to read the full article from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

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