Inspectioneering Journal

Reynolds Wrap Up: Highlights from the API Subcommittee on Inspection and Mechanical Integrity (SCIMI) at the Fall 2020 Standards Meeting

By John Reynolds, Principal Consultant at Intertek. This article appears in the November/December 2020 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity (IMI) Summit Planning

As a reminder from the last SCIMI highlights from the spring meeting, with this last growth spurt in IMI Summit attendance (nearly 25% more again in January 2019) we have exceeded the capacity of the Galveston Convention Center, forcing API to seek a new venue and time. We know that the Galveston Convention Center was popular, especially in the winter timeframe, but it’s now just too small for the continually growing size and popularity of the IMI Summit. Therefore, the next IMI Summit will be held at the San Antonio Convention Center in the first week of June 2021. The San Antonio venue is much larger, better equipped, with more meeting rooms than we could possibly use, and a huge exhibition hall. Mark your calendars now and don’t plan to take family vacations that week unless you bring the family to San Antonio. Monday of Summit week will again be an optional training day with 12-15 different FEMI courses offered by industry SMEs. Those will be announced soon after the first of the year. Don’t miss out.

On the other hand, we clearly don’t know what impact to expect on Summit plans of the current pandemic and the downturn in industry economics. API has not yet changed any plans for an in-person gathering in San Antonio, but no one knows what the situation will be next June, so we are starting to think about a possible virtual conference, a combined virtual and face-to-face conference, or even postponing it further to hold a face-to-face conference later, which will of course depend on finding Summit accommodations. Once the pandemic passes, there may be a huge boom in conference space. We will communicate any changes in plans as soon as possible. We’re all hoping for an in-person Summit where we can catch up on some networking that we’ve lost out on during the pandemic.

In the meantime, planning continues for...

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Comments and Discussion

Posted by José Caprarulo on January 19, 2021
Excelent information!! Thanks a lot. Log in or register to read the rest of this comment.

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