Inspectioneering Journal

The Significance of Piping Color Codes

By Ashfaq Anwer, Inspection Engineer. This article appears in the September/October 2019 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

Several years of experience as an inspector in a complex oil and gas facility or petrochemical unit does not necessarily make one proficient enough to identify any specific piping spread over a populated pipe rack. To know the content and the material of construction of every type of piping is a daunting task. Since it is not a requirement of their day-to-day job, operations personnel may know the contents of a pipe, and may not be aware of its material of construction. If an inspector possesses knowledge of both the content and material of construction, it would be useful to have them perform certain inspection tasks during a regular site visit. However, this is only possible when there’s an existing system in place at the site for identifying piping.

Figure 1. Piping content and color scheme.
Figure 1. Piping content and color scheme.

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