Inspectioneering Journal

Reynolds Wrap Up: API Publishes Helpful Guide on Fixed Equipment Mechanical Integrity (FEMI) Standards

By John Reynolds, Principal Consultant at Intertek. This article appears in the January/February 2018 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

The Subgroup on Mechanical Integrity (MISG) was formed as part of the Advancing Process Safety (APS) initiative between the API and AFPM to improve process safety in the hydrocarbon process industries.  This group, which consists of owner-user FEMI representatives from API & AFPM member companies, was formed with the recognition that leaks and failures from piping and equipment were due at times to MI and inspection issues.  The MISG is focused on improving FEMI standards and practices to advance process safety while other APS initiatives focus on the other key elements affecting process safety, though all subgroups are highly integrated. 

Annually, each Subgroup sets goals to improve process safety in their focus area.  The Subgroups report their progress to the Process Safety Advisory Group (PSAG) which consists of executive members from the API & AFPM member companies.  In 2017, one of the major MISG goals was to produce a brochure that summarized all the key API standards that dealt with FEMI that industry sites can/should be using to improve their FEMI programs and hence prevent leaks and failures in equipment and piping. 

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