Inspectioneering Journal

A Guide to Using Codes and Standards for Life Cycle Management of Pressure Equipment

By John Reynolds, Principal Consultant at Intertek. This article appears in the March/April 2009 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.


The ASME Post Construction Committee (PCC) has embarked upon a noble activity to produce a guide to using codes, standards, recommended practices, specifications and guidelines that can be used by manufacturers, owners, users, regulators, engineers and all other stakeholders in the total life cycle management (LCM) of pressure equipment. As most of know, there is a very wide array of such documents available and to the best of my knowledge there is no comprehensive guide to how all these documents can be tied together in the cradle to grave management of pressure equipment, from concept to decommissioning.

The scope of the document for initial publication will primarily cover those documents produced by ANSI accredited Stan- dards Development Organizations (SDO’s) like ASME, API, NB, NACE, ASNT, ASTM, TEMA, ASCE, EPRI, etc. However, it may also cover some useful and applicable technical papers and references like WRC Bulletins that offer good advice in the LCM of pressure equipment. The stages covered in total LCM of pressure equipment include design, procurement, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, inspection, maintenance and decommissioning.

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