Inspectioneering Journal

Software and Handheld Devices Can Dramatically Improve Inspection/Service Management

By Eitan Shibi at Techs4Biz Corporation. This article appears in the March/April 2003 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

Many engineers are still performing their inspection and service activities and daily tasks using manual, paper- based forms. However, applying appropriate technology and providing simple-to-use automation tools can increase productivity, improve utilization of resources, and improve profitability. By combining easy to use but sophisticated software and handheld devices, organizations can save time and money while improving operational efficiencies and minimizing downtime.

Handheld Devices

Handheld devices should reflect or improve on what already exists on paper forms. For example, if a user is filling out an inspection form including specific information, the handheld should provide the exact same function. As with paper forms, a handheld user can pick from a list of possible choices and/or write or type in information, according to the organization’s preferences. An added benefit of using handheld devices in conjunction with software is that data is automatically transferred from the handheld device to your database without the need for further data entry or reformulation of the data.

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