Inspectioneering Journal

Nondestructive Testing Services Market Rebounds in the Chemical/Petrochemical Industries

By Dr. G. Fulop at Maxtech International, Inc. This article appears in the January/February 1996 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.

A recent in-depth analysis of nondestructive Testing Services Markets indicates that after very slow overall growth in 1993 and 1994, these markets have resumed growing in 1995. The combined U.S. and Canadian market for nondestructive testing services reached $627 million in 1995 and is expected to grow to $731 million by 1999. The strongest growth is anticipated in the Chemical/Petrochemical and "Other" industries segments.

NDT test methods include x-ray and gamma ray radiography, radioscopy, computed tomography, ultrasonic testing, eddy current testing (and other electromagnetic methods), acoustic emission, magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant testing, visual testing and infrared thermography.

Providers of NDT services include 1) Independent commercial testing labs, 2) Captive NDT service groups (usually operating within large multinational companies), 3) engineering companies providing NDT services, 4) NDT training organizations and 5) NDT certifying and auditing bodies. In addition, services are provided by many manufacturers and distributors of equipment.

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