Inspectioneering Journal

Back to Basics: Keys to establishment of an effective inspection program

By Greg Alvarado, Chief Editor at Inspectioneering. This article appears in the May/June 1995 issue of Inspectioneering Journal.
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Never have I known or read of anyone, who sought out wisdom, to regret it, nor to help but benefit from it. Wouldn't you agree, wisdom recognizes, holds onto, operates out of and values timeless, tried and true principles that can be, and should be applied to any and every area of our lives? It's usually when one draws lines and thinks he can compromise principles in one arena that problems or a lack of effectiveness becomes evident. Wisdom, sound principles, good tools, and accurate knowledge are critical to success.

After many years of study, seminars, managing and being managed, I became acutely aware of a condition I "affectionately" refer to as "corporate co-dependency". Suffice to say, for this editorial, that the areas of roles and goals are critical in establishing and maintaining a healthy, interdependent system or systems approach. albeit in the family or in the work place, whether setting up a mechanical integrity is about (notice; modelling comes before teaching).

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