Sponsored White Paper

Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) for Heat Exchanger Tube Wall Thickness Calculations

Cenosco, January 17, 2025

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Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) is a statistical method used to predict the most extreme values in a dataset. In heat exchanger inspections, EVA helps estimate maximum tube wall loss from a representative sample, significantly reducing the number of tubes inspected while maintaining accuracy and safety. By fitting data to a statistical distribution, EVA allows for the extrapolation of corrosion rates and remaining useful life of heat exchangers.

Inspecting thousands of heat exchanger tubes can be a time-intensive and costly challenge. Learn how EVA simplifies the process, cutting inspection times while ensuring safety and performance. In this white paper, Cenosco explores how EVA can optimize tube wall thickness calculations, extend equipment lifespan, and reduce operational costs.

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Extreme Value Analysis (EVA) for Heat Exchanger Tube Wall Thickness Calculations

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