Sponsored Ebook

Understanding Valves and Their Role in Mechanical Integrity

TEAM, Inc., September 15, 2022

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Valves critical to process safety should require the same attention to detail as any other fixed equipment or piping system components. Often, the responsibility to inspect and maintain valves is delegated to outside valve repair facilities. Owner/operators typically offer minimal input outside of their standard specifications. It benefits owner/operators to know and understand the details involved with valve inspection and maintenance and how it affects their mechanical integrity programs.

This eBook covers valves and their role in the overall mechanical integrity process. First, we will discuss the various valve types, their common uses, and the governing standards and recommended practices that apply. Second, we’ll discuss the common failure mechanisms affecting valves, the potential causes of the failures, and what can be done on-line to detect and/or prevent them from happening in the first place.

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Understanding Valves and Their Role in Mechanical Integrity

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