Sponsored White Paper

The Power of Visualization for Asset Integrity Management

Antea, August 19, 2022

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For operators in process industries like Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Pipeline, and Power Generation, asset integrity management is a critical component of effective equipment operations. Equipment types in these industries are complex and varied, each with different inspection requirements. As a result, an immense amount of data is amassed over time for each asset – and, if that data is kept in paper reports or Excel spreadsheets across a variety of disparate sources – such asset data can often be time-consuming, difficult, or even impossible to retrieve.

When onsite resources are limited, this issue becomes even more prevalent. If critical information on the health of an asset is not readily available, it can have catastrophic consequences including asset failure and unplanned shutdown.

How can operators not only prevent these issues in their mechanical integrity programs — but perhaps even potentially eliminate them? The answer lies in visualization.

This whitepaper will examine the digital technologies that are quickly becoming industry standards for asset integrity management and how they provide contextualized visualization for real-time insight into asset health and conditions. Discover how operators of process industries can eliminate these challenges and expedite time to retrieve data via 3D, digital twin, mobile, remote collaboration, and hands-free technologies — for instant insight into actionable intelligence.

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The Power of Visualization for Asset Integrity Management

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