This guide is accompanied by an Inspectioneering Journal article, Tank RBI: Not Just an Inspection Deferral Tool. Click the button below to read it now.
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In recent editions of API STD 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, the use of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) has been permitted as a means of determining the next inspection date for initial and subsequent internal inspection of storage tanks. In accordance with API 653, the RBI assessment must consist of a systematic evaluation of risk, which is the product of the likelihood, or probability of failure (POF), and the associated consequence of failure (COF) in accordance with API RP 580, Risk-Based Inspection.
Tank RBI has often been used by owner-users as a means of evaluating a deferral of an internal inspection that was scheduled based on a prescriptive (or time-based) interval, when RBI was permitted to be used in this manner by the jurisdiction. However, tank RBI has other uses, such as determining and optimizing inspection activities for all tanks in a terminal or facility’s tank farm.
Some jurisdictions use different editions of API STD 653. This helpful guide provides an outline of current regulations (as of July 2021), by jurisdiction, for tanks not regulated by 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 195, Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline at US-based refineries, chemical plants, and terminals.
Log in or register below to download this free reference guide for Tank RBI Regulations in the U.S.