API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Summit Planning Meeting
- The seventh API Inspection and Mechanical Integrity (IMI) Summit will be held the week of January 28 – 31, 2019 at the Galveston Convention Center (mark your calendars now); planning meetings are well underway.
- The name of the Summit has changed to include Mechanical Integrity which better reflects the scope of the Summit and will once again cover the three main industry business sectors:
- Downstream (Refining and Petrochemical),
- Midstream (Terminals, Gas Plants, and Pipelines),
- Upstream (Exploration and Production).
- Each business sector will again cover three main Inspection and Mechanical Integrity Tracks:
- Corrosion and Damage Mechanism Management,
- Inspection and NDE,
- MI Engineering and Asset Integrity Programs.
- 30 minute presentations (instead of the previous 45 minutes), will be the norm next time, allowing more presentations to be included in the Summit.
- Two calls for Summit Presentations have been issued so far. Visit the webpage listed below to submit and abstract before the deadline at the end of June 2018 - http://www.api.org/~/media/Files/Events/inspection-summit/2019_InspectionSummit_Call%20For%20Abstracts%20Final%20032318.pdf
- Panel discussions will once again be a featured format to share information on a focused, current topic of interest. Preliminary panel topics include HTHA, Permanently Mounted Monitoring Systems, Surface/Subsurface Integrity, ILI Tools and Data Analysis, Big Data, Tank Mechanical Integrity Management, RP 1171 on Storage of NG in Underground Caverns, Source Inspection, CML Optimization, NDE Qualification Solutions, and UAS/Drones Case Studies.
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