
Happy New Year from Inspectioneering - A Look Back at 2015

By Jeremiah Wooten, Managing Partner at Inspectioneering. January 4, 2016

We at Inspectioneering would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our subscribers, followers, clients, and industry partners for a great 2015, and wish every member of the Inspectioneering community a happy and healthy 2016!

2015 had its shares of ups and downs. Oil prices fell to alarming levels and continue to test the resolve of the industry, the United States saw a national oil worker strike that lasted nearly 6 months, and leaks and unplanned outages caused significant headaches for many operators. The future of our industry, however, is as bright as ever! Newly available technologies are changing the way things are being done across the oil and gas industry for the better. On the downstream side in particular, facilities are implementing new strategies and technologies to run more reliably and efficiently than ever before. Inspections can now be carried out safer, faster, and with greater accuracy than even one year prior. Moreover, new software programs have been released and are being implemented to capture, analyze, and manage immense amounts of data, improving operators’ ability to keep their assets running more efficiently and reliably.

In 2015, Inspectioneering saw a more engaged community of asset integrity professionals; individuals looking for information to better themselves and improve the industry as a whole. We were amazed by the growth of our international readership over the last year, as more and more companies outside the U.S. are clearly taking mechanical integrity and asset reliability more seriously. We were also fortunate to begin working with several outstanding companies and organizations that share our mission to advance the O&G, petrochemical, and chemical processing industries. As a company, we took more time in 2015 to give back to the community, highlighted by our inaugural Inspectioneering Christmas Toy Drive, in which we delivered over $2,000 worth of toys to the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX. 

Overall, 2015 was a great year for Inspectioneering and we hope it was for you as well. We look forward to seeing what 2016 has in store.

Happy New Year and best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2016! 



The Inspectioneering Team


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