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As a procedure, hydrogen bake-out is used in many process industries, such as oil & gas, chemicals, and petrochemicals, to help remove hydrogen that has dissolved in metals before performing welding. Typically, hydrogen can enter steel via diffusion or chemical reactions at the surface. Once within the metallic matrix, it can make the steel brittle and/or prone to fracture through several mechanisms collectively called hydrogen embrittlement.
This Asset Intelligence Report serves as an informative primer to provide an understanding of hydrogen bake-out. This primer contains the following sections:
- Overview
- Why Do We Bake Out Steels?
- What is Hydrogen Bake-Out?
- Industry Applications and Recommendations
- Potential Complications
- Relevant Codes, Standards, and Best Practices
- Further Reading
As with other Asset Intelligence Reports, this document is not intended to serve as a comprehensive guide, but rather an introductory primer on hydrogen bake-out. Since the information is provided in a condensed format, we recommend printing and laminating copies that can be referenced by you and your co-workers at your convenience.
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